What a month!

I just realized that April is a designated month for 3 special things that are oddly related (Never mind that April is moving right along, it’s still ok to recognize!)

First, April is National Counseling Awareness Month.

Did you know that more than 600,000 professional counselors are working in private practice, education, mental health, community agencies and related human service settings across the nation? (source: US Dept of Labor).

Counselors address a variety of human growth and development issues and problems of people at all life stages, from childhood through the senior years.

Have you spoken with a counselor? They are there for you!

Second, April is National Stress Awareness Month.

Here is a simple but powerful suggestion for less stress:

Be Mindful…. What are you missing as you hurry around, frazzled and overwhelmed? Maybe your babies sweet coos, your teenagers exuberance on the ongoing journey to adulthood, your grandparents’ re-collection of life experience and wisdom? Or maybe your puppies wet nose on your knee, or that quick brush of hand from your spouse as you hurry out the door? Being present now… what simple amazements will you notice?

Last, April is National Poetry Awareness Month:

Take a moment to read a beloved poem (or say out loud one you memorized as a youth) or discover a new poem (and in the process, a new way to look at the world and yourself) As I look out my Colorado window to big heavy April snowflakes, I will leave you with one of my favorite lines of poetry from Robert Frost…

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

Happy April to all!

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